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Indie Book of the Year
There Was Still Love by Favel Parrett (Hachette Australia)
Indie Book of the Year Fiction
There Was Still Love by Favel Parrett (Hachette Australia)
Indie Book of the Year Non-Fiction
Tell Me Why by Archie Roach (Simon & Schuster Australia)
Indie Book of the Year Debut Fiction
Allegra in Three Parts by Suzanne Daniel (Macmillan Australia)
Indie Book of the Year Illustrated Non-Fiction
The Lost Boys by Paul Byrnes (Affirm Press)
Indie Book of the Year Children's
The Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Ugly Animals by Sami Bayly (Lothian Children's Books)
Indie Book of the Year Young Adult
The Surprising Power of a Good Dumpling by Wai Chim (Allen and Unwin Children's)

It’s not a stretch to say that Australian Independent bookshops changed my life. Back in 2011, Past the Shallows was hand-sold with love across the county by you guys and that literally set my career path in stone. I am so very grateful. Over the years I have come to know many of you as good friends – like-minded souls who are full of passion. These friendships have been the highlight of becoming a writer.
- Favel Parrett, Indie Book of the Year Winner, There Was Still Love
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