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2022 Winners
Indie Book of the Year
Love Stories by Trent Dalton (Fourth Estate Australia)
Once There Were Wolves by Charlotte McConaghy (Hamish Hamilton Australia)
Love Stories by Trent Dalton (Fourth Estate Australia)
The Silent Listener by Lyn Yeowart (Viking Australia)
Still Life by Amber Creswell Bell (Thames & Hudson Australia)
Rabbit, Soldier, Angel, Thief by Katrina Nannestad (ABC Books, HarperCollins Australia)
The Monster of Her Age by Danielle Binks (Lothian Children's Books)

I am thrilled and gobsmacked and humbled and deeply grateful. I got all cheeseball weepy when I got the news. I got all sentimental about this beautiful recognition because this book means so much to me and because Australia’s independent booksellers mean everything to the Australian book industry. I sat on a corner for two months asking random strangers to tell me love stories but every passing day of every passing year our independent booksellers are sharing love stories with their incredible customers through that sacred transaction of buying and selling these paper treasures we call books. Thank you to the booksellers for this incredible award.

- Trent Dalton, Indie Book of the Year Winner, Love Stories
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